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block_core_image_render_lightbox › WordPress Function
› block_core_image_render_lightbox ( $block_content, $block )
Parameter: (2) |
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Adds the directives and layout needed for the lightbox behavior.
function block_core_image_render_lightbox( $block_content, $block ) { /* * If there's no IMG tag in the block then return the given block content * as-is. There's nothing that this code can knowingly modify to add the * lightbox behavior. */ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); if ( $p->next_tag( 'figure' ) ) { $p->set_bookmark( 'figure' ); } if ( ! $p->next_tag( 'img' ) ) { return $block_content; } $alt = $p->get_attribute( 'alt' ); $img_uploaded_src = $p->get_attribute( 'src' ); $img_class_names = $p->get_attribute( 'class' ); $img_styles = $p->get_attribute( 'style' ); $img_width = 'none'; $img_height = 'none'; $aria_label = __( 'Enlarge' ); $dialog_aria_label = __( 'Enlarged image' ); if ( isset( $block['attrs']['id'] ) ) { $img_uploaded_src = wp_get_attachment_url( $block['attrs']['id'] ); $img_metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $block['attrs']['id'] ); $img_width = $img_metadata['width'] ?? 'none'; $img_height = $img_metadata['height'] ?? 'none'; } // Figure. $p->seek( 'figure' ); $figure_class_names = $p->get_attribute( 'class' ); $figure_styles = $p->get_attribute( 'style' ); // Create unique id and set the image metadata in the state. $unique_image_id = uniqid(); wp_interactivity_state( 'core/image', array( 'metadata' => array( $unique_image_id => array( 'uploadedSrc' => $img_uploaded_src, 'figureClassNames' => $figure_class_names, 'figureStyles' => $figure_styles, 'imgClassNames' => $img_class_names, 'imgStyles' => $img_styles, 'targetWidth' => $img_width, 'targetHeight' => $img_height, 'scaleAttr' => $block['attrs']['scale'] ?? false, 'ariaLabel' => $dialog_aria_label, 'alt' => $alt, ), ), ) ); $p->add_class( 'wp-lightbox-container' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-interactive', 'core/image' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-context', wp_json_encode( array( 'imageId' => $unique_image_id, ), JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ) ); // Image. $p->next_tag( 'img' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-init', 'callbacks.setButtonStyles' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-on-async--load', 'callbacks.setButtonStyles' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-on-async-window--resize', 'callbacks.setButtonStyles' ); // Sets an event callback on the `img` because the `figure` element can also // contain a caption, and we don't want to trigger the lightbox when the // caption is clicked. $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-on-async--click', 'actions.showLightbox' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-class--hide', 'state.isContentHidden' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wp-class--show', 'state.isContentVisible' ); $body_content = $p->get_updated_html(); // Adds a button alongside image in the body content. $img = null; preg_match( '/<img[^>]+>/', $body_content, $img ); $button = $img[0] . '<button class="lightbox-trigger" type="button" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-label="' . esc_attr( $aria_label ) . '" data-wp-init="callbacks.initTriggerButton" data-wp-on-async--click="actions.showLightbox" data-wp-style--right="state.imageButtonRight" data-wp-style--top="state.imageButtonTop" > <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="12" height="12" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path fill="#fff" d="M2 0a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2h1.5V2a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h2V0H2Zm2 10.5H2a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V8H0v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2v-1.5ZM8 12v-1.5h2a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V8H12v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H8Zm2-12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2h-1.5V2a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H8V0h2Z" /> </svg> </button>'; $body_content = preg_replace( '/<img[^>]+>/', $button, $body_content ); add_action( 'wp_footer', 'block_core_image_print_lightbox_overlay' ); return $body_content; }