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get_query_pagination_arrow › WordPress Function
› get_query_pagination_arrow ( $block, $is_next )
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Helper function that returns the proper pagination arrow HTML for `QueryPaginationNext` and `QueryPaginationPrevious` blocks based on the provided `paginationArrow` from `QueryPagination` context.
It's used in QueryPaginationNext and QueryPaginationPrevious blocks.Quellcode
function get_query_pagination_arrow( $block, $is_next ) { $arrow_map = array( 'none' => '', 'arrow' => array( 'next' => '→', 'previous' => '←', ), 'chevron' => array( 'next' => '»', 'previous' => '«', ), ); if ( ! empty( $block->context['paginationArrow'] ) && array_key_exists( $block->context['paginationArrow'], $arrow_map ) && ! empty( $arrow_map[ $block->context['paginationArrow'] ] ) ) { $pagination_type = $is_next ? 'next' : 'previous'; $arrow_attribute = $block->context['paginationArrow']; $arrow = $arrow_map[ $block->context['paginationArrow'] ][ $pagination_type ]; $arrow_classes = "wp-block-query-pagination-$pagination_type-arrow is-arrow-$arrow_attribute"; return "<span class='$arrow_classes' aria-hidden='true'>$arrow</span>"; } return null; }