Eine auf WordPress spezialiserte Suchmaschine für Entwickler und Theme-Autoren

is_single › WordPress Function

is_single ( $post = '' )
  • (int|string|int[]|string[]) $post Optional. Post ID, title, slug, or array of such to check against. Default empty.
    Erforderlich: Nein
    Standard: (leer)
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  • (bool) Whether the query is for an existing single post.
Definiert in:

Determines whether the query is for an existing single post.

Works for any post type, except attachments and pages If the $post parameter is specified, this function will additionally check if the query is for one of the Posts specified. For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out the {@link Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook.

Ähnliche Funktionen: is_singular, is_ssl, is_page, is_info, list_files


function is_single( $post = '' ) {
	global $wp_query;

	if ( ! isset( $wp_query ) ) {
		_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false.' ), '3.1.0' );
		return false;

	return $wp_query->is_single( $post );