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load_theme_textdomain › WordPress Function
› load_theme_textdomain ( $domain, $path = false )
Parameter: (2) |
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Loads the theme's translated strings.
If the current locale exists as a .mo file in the theme's root directory, it will be included in the translated strings by the $domain. The .mo files must be named based on the locale exactly.Ähnliche Funktionen: load_child_theme_textdomain, load_textdomain, unload_textdomain, load_script_textdomain, load_default_textdomain
function load_theme_textdomain( $domain, $path = false ) { /** @var WP_Textdomain_Registry $wp_textdomain_registry */ /** @var array<string, WP_Translations|NOOP_Translations> $l10n */ global $wp_textdomain_registry, $l10n; if ( ! is_string( $domain ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $path ) { $path = get_template_directory(); } $wp_textdomain_registry->set_custom_path( $domain, $path ); // If just-in-time loading was triggered before, reset the entry so it can be tried again. if ( isset( $l10n[ $domain ] ) && $l10n[ $domain ] instanceof NOOP_Translations ) { unset( $l10n[ $domain ] ); } return true; }