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wp_apply_border_support › WordPress Function

wp_apply_border_support ( $block_type, $block_attributes )
  • private
Parameter: (2)
  • (WP_Block_Type) $block_type Block type.
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (array) $block_attributes Block attributes.
    Erforderlich: Ja
Gibt zurück:
  • (array) Border CSS classes and inline styles.
Definiert in:
  • 6.1.0

Adds CSS classes and inline styles for border styles to the incoming attributes array. This will be applied to the block markup in the front-end.


function wp_apply_border_support( $block_type, $block_attributes ) {
	if ( wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, 'border' ) ) {
		return array();

	$border_block_styles      = array();
	$has_border_color_support = wp_has_border_feature_support( $block_type, 'color' );
	$has_border_width_support = wp_has_border_feature_support( $block_type, 'width' );

	// Border radius.
	if (
		wp_has_border_feature_support( $block_type, 'radius' ) &&
		isset( $block_attributes['style']['border']['radius'] ) &&
		! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'radius' )
	) {
		$border_radius = $block_attributes['style']['border']['radius'];

		if ( is_numeric( $border_radius ) ) {
			$border_radius .= 'px';

		$border_block_styles['radius'] = $border_radius;

	// Border style.
	if (
		wp_has_border_feature_support( $block_type, 'style' ) &&
		isset( $block_attributes['style']['border']['style'] ) &&
		! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'style' )
	) {
		$border_block_styles['style'] = $block_attributes['style']['border']['style'];

	// Border width.
	if (
		$has_border_width_support &&
		isset( $block_attributes['style']['border']['width'] ) &&
		! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'width' )
	) {
		$border_width = $block_attributes['style']['border']['width'];

		// This check handles original unitless implementation.
		if ( is_numeric( $border_width ) ) {
			$border_width .= 'px';

		$border_block_styles['width'] = $border_width;

	// Border color.
	if (
		$has_border_color_support &&
		! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'color' )
	) {
		$preset_border_color          = array_key_exists( 'borderColor', $block_attributes ) ? "var:preset|color|{$block_attributes['borderColor']}" : null;
		$custom_border_color          = isset( $block_attributes['style']['border']['color'] ) ? $block_attributes['style']['border']['color'] : null;
		$border_block_styles['color'] = $preset_border_color ? $preset_border_color : $custom_border_color;

	// Generates styles for individual border sides.
	if ( $has_border_color_support || $has_border_width_support ) {
		foreach ( array( 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ) as $side ) {
			$border                       = isset( $block_attributes['style']['border'][ $side ] ) ? $block_attributes['style']['border'][ $side ] : null;
			$border_side_values           = array(
				'width' => isset( $border['width'] ) && ! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'width' ) ? $border['width'] : null,
				'color' => isset( $border['color'] ) && ! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'color' ) ? $border['color'] : null,
				'style' => isset( $border['style'] ) && ! wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, '__experimentalBorder', 'style' ) ? $border['style'] : null,
			$border_block_styles[ $side ] = $border_side_values;

	// Collect classes and styles.
	$attributes = array();
	$styles     = wp_style_engine_get_styles( array( 'border' => $border_block_styles ) );

	if ( ! empty( $styles['classnames'] ) ) {
		$attributes['class'] = $styles['classnames'];

	if ( ! empty( $styles['css'] ) ) {
		$attributes['style'] = $styles['css'];

	return $attributes;