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wp_load_translations_early is private and should not be used in themes or plugins directly.
wp_load_translations_early › WordPress Function
› wp_load_translations_early ( Keine Parameter )
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Attempts an early load of translations.
Used for errors encountered during the initial loading process, before the locale has been properly detected and loaded. Designed for unusual load sequences (like setup-config.php) or for when the script will then terminate with an error, otherwise there is a risk that a file can be double-included.Ähnliche Funktionen: wp_load_alloptions, load_script_translations, translations_api, wp_get_installed_translations, wp_get_translation_updates
function wp_load_translations_early() { global $wp_textdomain_registry, $wp_locale; static $loaded = false; if ( $loaded ) { return; } $loaded = true; if ( function_exists( 'did_action' ) && did_action( 'init' ) ) { return; } // We need $wp_local_package. require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'; // Translation and localization. require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pomo/mo.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/l10n/class-wp-translation-controller.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/l10n/class-wp-translations.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/l10n/class-wp-translation-file.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/l10n/class-wp-translation-file-mo.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/l10n/class-wp-translation-file-php.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/l10n.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-textdomain-registry.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-locale.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-locale-switcher.php'; // General libraries. require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/plugin.php'; $locales = array(); $locations = array(); if ( ! $wp_textdomain_registry instanceof WP_Textdomain_Registry ) { $wp_textdomain_registry = new WP_Textdomain_Registry(); } while ( true ) { if ( defined( 'WPLANG' ) ) { if ( '' === WPLANG ) { break; } $locales[] = WPLANG; } if ( isset( $wp_local_package ) ) { $locales[] = $wp_local_package; } if ( ! $locales ) { break; } if ( defined( 'WP_LANG_DIR' ) && @is_dir( WP_LANG_DIR ) ) { $locations[] = WP_LANG_DIR; } if ( defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) && @is_dir( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/languages' ) ) { $locations[] = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/languages'; } if ( @is_dir( ABSPATH . 'wp-content/languages' ) ) { $locations[] = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/languages'; } if ( @is_dir( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/languages' ) ) { $locations[] = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/languages'; } if ( ! $locations ) { break; } $locations = array_unique( $locations ); foreach ( $locales as $locale ) { foreach ( $locations as $location ) { if ( file_exists( $location . '/' . $locale . '.mo' ) ) { load_textdomain( 'default', $location . '/' . $locale . '.mo', $locale ); if ( defined( 'WP_SETUP_CONFIG' ) && file_exists( $location . '/admin-' . $locale . '.mo' ) ) { load_textdomain( 'default', $location . '/admin-' . $locale . '.mo', $locale ); } break 2; } } } break; } $wp_locale = new WP_Locale(); }