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wp_login › WordPress Function

wp_login ( $username, $password, $deprecated = '' )
Parameter: (3)
  • (string) $username User's username
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (string) $password User's password
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (string) $deprecated Not used
    Erforderlich: Nein
    Standard: (leer)
Gibt zurück:
  • (bool) True on successful check, false on login failure.
Definiert in:

Checks a users login information and logs them in if it checks out. This function is deprecated.

Use the global $error to get the reason why the login failed. If the username is blank, no error will be set, so assume blank username on that case. Plugins extending this function should also provide the global $error and set what the error is, so that those checking the global for why there was a failure can utilize it later.


function wp_login(
	$deprecated = ''
) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.5.0', 'wp_signon()' );
	global $error;

	$user = wp_authenticate($username, $password);

	if ( ! is_wp_error($user) )
		return true;

	$error = $user->get_error_message();
	return false;