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wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles › WordPress Function

wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles ( $parsed_block )
  • private
  • (array) $parsed_block The parsed block.
    Erforderlich: Ja
Gibt zurück:
  • (array) The parsed block with block style variation classname added.
Definiert in:

Render the block style variation's styles.

In the case of nested blocks with variations applied, we want the parent variation's styles to be rendered before their descendants. This solves the issue of a block type being styled in both the parent and descendant: we want the descendant style to take priority, and this is done by loading it after, in the DOM order. This is why the variation stylesheet generation is in a different filter.


function wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles( $parsed_block ) {
	$classes    = $parsed_block['attrs']['className'] ?? null;
	$variations = wp_get_block_style_variation_name_from_class( $classes );

	if ( ! $variations ) {
		return $parsed_block;

	$tree       = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data();
	$theme_json = $tree->get_raw_data();

	// Only the first block style variation with data is supported.
	$variation_data = array();
	foreach ( $variations as $variation ) {
		$variation_data = $theme_json['styles']['blocks'][ $parsed_block['blockName'] ]['variations'][ $variation ] ?? array();

		if ( ! empty( $variation_data ) ) {

	if ( empty( $variation_data ) ) {
		return $parsed_block;

	 * Recursively resolve any ref values with the appropriate value within the
	 * theme_json data.
	wp_resolve_block_style_variation_ref_values( $variation_data, $theme_json );

	$variation_instance = wp_unique_id( $variation . '--' );
	$class_name         = "is-style-$variation_instance";
	$updated_class_name = $parsed_block['attrs']['className'] . " $class_name";

	 * Even though block style variations are effectively theme.json partials,
	 * they can't be processed completely as though they are.
	 * Block styles support custom selectors to direct specific types of styles
	 * to inner elements. For example, borders on Image block's get applied to
	 * the inner `img` element rather than the wrapping `figure`.
	 * The following relocates the "root" block style variation styles to
	 * under an appropriate blocks property to leverage the preexisting style
	 * generation for simple block style variations. This way they get the
	 * custom selectors they need.
	 * The inner elements and block styles for the variation itself are
	 * still included at the top level but scoped by the variation's selector
	 * when the stylesheet is generated.
	$elements_data = $variation_data['elements'] ?? array();
	$blocks_data   = $variation_data['blocks'] ?? array();
	unset( $variation_data['elements'] );
	unset( $variation_data['blocks'] );

		array( $parsed_block['blockName'], 'variations', $variation_instance ),

	$config = array(
		'version' => WP_Theme_JSON::LATEST_SCHEMA,
		'styles'  => array(
			'elements' => $elements_data,
			'blocks'   => $blocks_data,

	// Turn off filter that excludes block nodes. They are needed here for the variation's inner block types.
	if ( ! is_admin() ) {
		remove_filter( 'wp_theme_json_get_style_nodes', 'wp_filter_out_block_nodes' );

	// Temporarily prevent variation instance from being sanitized while processing theme.json.
	$styles_registry = WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance();
	$styles_registry->register( $parsed_block['blockName'], array( 'name' => $variation_instance ) );

	$variation_theme_json = new WP_Theme_JSON( $config, 'blocks' );
	$variation_styles     = $variation_theme_json->get_stylesheet(
		array( 'styles' ),
		array( 'custom' ),
			'include_block_style_variations' => true,
			'skip_root_layout_styles'        => true,
			'scope'                          => ".$class_name",

	// Clean up temporary block style now instance styles have been processed.
	$styles_registry->unregister( $parsed_block['blockName'], $variation_instance );

	// Restore filter that excludes block nodes.
	if ( ! is_admin() ) {
		add_filter( 'wp_theme_json_get_style_nodes', 'wp_filter_out_block_nodes' );

	if ( empty( $variation_styles ) ) {
		return $parsed_block;

	wp_register_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', false, array( 'wp-block-library', 'global-styles' ) );
	wp_add_inline_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', $variation_styles );

	 * Add variation instance class name to block's className string so it can
	 * be enforced in the block markup via render_block filter.
	_wp_array_set( $parsed_block, array( 'attrs', 'className' ), $updated_class_name );

	return $parsed_block;