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wp_restore_group_inner_container is private and should not be used in themes or plugins directly.
wp_restore_group_inner_container › WordPress Function
› wp_restore_group_inner_container ( $block_content, $block )
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Parameter: (2) |
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For themes without theme.json file, make sure to restore the inner div for the group block to avoid breaking styles relying on that div.
function wp_restore_group_inner_container( $block_content, $block ) { $tag_name = isset( $block['attrs']['tagName'] ) ? $block['attrs']['tagName'] : 'div'; $group_with_inner_container_regex = sprintf( '/(^\s*<%1$s\b[^>]*wp-block-group(\s|")[^>]*>)(\s*<div\b[^>]*wp-block-group__inner-container(\s|")[^>]*>)((.|\S|\s)*)/U', preg_quote( $tag_name, '/' ) ); if ( wp_theme_has_theme_json() || 1 === preg_match( $group_with_inner_container_regex, $block_content ) || ( isset( $block['attrs']['layout']['type'] ) && ( 'flex' === $block['attrs']['layout']['type'] || 'grid' === $block['attrs']['layout']['type'] ) ) ) { return $block_content; } /* * This filter runs after the layout classnames have been added to the block, so they * have to be removed from the outer wrapper and then added to the inner. */ $layout_classes = array(); $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); if ( $processor->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'wp-block-group' ) ) ) { foreach ( $processor->class_list() as $class_name ) { if ( str_contains( $class_name, 'is-layout-' ) ) { $layout_classes[] = $class_name; $processor->remove_class( $class_name ); } } } $content_without_layout_classes = $processor->get_updated_html(); $replace_regex = sprintf( '/(^\s*<%1$s\b[^>]*wp-block-group[^>]*>)(.*)(<\/%1$s>\s*$)/ms', preg_quote( $tag_name, '/' ) ); $updated_content = preg_replace_callback( $replace_regex, static function ( $matches ) { return $matches[1] . '<div class="wp-block-group__inner-container">' . $matches[2] . '</div>' . $matches[3]; }, $content_without_layout_classes ); // Add layout classes to inner wrapper. if ( ! empty( $layout_classes ) ) { $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $updated_content ); if ( $processor->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'wp-block-group__inner-container' ) ) ) { foreach ( $layout_classes as $class_name ) { $processor->add_class( $class_name ); } } $updated_content = $processor->get_updated_html(); } return $updated_content; }