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lostpassword_errors › WordPress Filter Hooks
› apply_filters( 'lostpassword_errors', $errors, $user_data )
Parameter: (2) |
Definiert in: |
Codex: |
Filters the errors encountered on a password reset request.
The filtered WP_Error object may, for example, contain errors for an invalid username or email address. A WP_Error object should always be returned, but may or may not contain errors.
If any errors are present in $errors, this will abort the password reset request.
Ähnliche Funktionen: wp_lostpassword_url, post_password_required, reset_password, the_post_password, rest_application_password_check_errors, get_the_password_form
Ähnliche Hooks: lostpassword_post, lostpassword_url, lostpassword_user_data, password_reset, allow_password_reset