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rest_pre_get_setting › WordPress Filter Hooks

apply_filters( 'rest_pre_get_setting', null, $name, $args )
Parameter: (3)
  • (mixed) $result Value to use for the requested setting. Can be a scalar matching the registered schema for the setting, or null to follow the default get_option() behavior.
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (string) $name Setting name (as shown in REST API responses).
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (array) $args Arguments passed to register_setting() for this setting.
    Erforderlich: Ja
Definiert in:

Filters the value of a setting recognized by the REST API.

Allow hijacking the setting value and overriding the built-in behavior by returning a non-null value. The returned value will be presented as the setting value instead.


$response[ $name ] = apply_filters( 'rest_pre_get_setting', null, $name, $args );