Eine auf WordPress spezialiserte Suchmaschine für Entwickler und Theme-Autoren

wp_admin_css_color › WordPress Function

wp_admin_css_color ( $key, $name, $url, $colors = array(), $icons = array() )
Parameter: (5)
  • (string) $key The unique key for this theme.
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (string) $name The name of the theme.
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (string) $url The URL of the CSS file containing the color scheme.
    Erforderlich: Ja
  • (array) $colors Optional. An array of CSS color definition strings which are used to give the user a feel for the theme.
    Erforderlich: Nein
    Standard: array()
  • (array) $icons { Optional. CSS color definitions used to color any SVG icons. @type string $base SVG icon base color. @type string $focus SVG icon color on focus. @type string $current SVG icon color of current admin menu link. }
    Erforderlich: Nein
    Standard: array()
Definiert in:

Registers an admin color scheme css file.

Allows a plugin to register a new admin color scheme. For example: wp_admin_css_color( 'classic', __( 'Classic' ), admin_url( "css/colors-classic.css" ), array( '#07273E', '#14568A', '#D54E21', '#2683AE' ) );


function wp_admin_css_color( $key, $name, $url, $colors = array(), $icons = array() ) {
	global $_wp_admin_css_colors;

	if ( ! isset( $_wp_admin_css_colors ) ) {
		$_wp_admin_css_colors = array();

	$_wp_admin_css_colors[ $key ] = (object) array(
		'name'        => $name,
		'url'         => $url,
		'colors'      => $colors,
		'icon_colors' => $icons,