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wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php › WordPress File

WordPress Taxonomy Administration API.

Funktion Kurzbeschreibung
category_existsChecks whether a category exists.
get_category_to_editGets category object for given ID and 'edit' filter context.
get_tags_to_editGets comma-separated list of tags available to edit.
get_terms_to_editGets comma-separated list of terms available to edit for the given post ID.
tag_existsChecks whether a post tag with a given name exists.
wp_create_categoriesCreates categories for the given post.
wp_create_categoryAdds a new category to the database if it does not already exist.
wp_create_tagAdds a new tag to the database if it does not already exist.
wp_create_termAdds a new term to the database if it does not already exist.
wp_insert_categoryUpdates an existing Category or creates a new Category.
wp_update_categoryAliases wp_insert_category() with minimal args.