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wp-admin/includes/theme.php › WordPress File

WordPress Theme Administration API

Funktion Kurzbeschreibung
customize_themes_print_templatesPrints JS templates for the theme-browsing UI in the Customizer.
delete_themeRemoves a theme.
get_page_templatesGets the page templates available in this theme.
get_theme_feature_listRetrieves list of WordPress theme features (aka theme tags).
get_theme_update_availableRetrieves the update link if there is a theme update available.
is_theme_pausedDetermines whether a theme is technically active but was paused while loading.
paused_themes_noticeRenders an admin notice in case some themes have been paused due to errors.
resume_themeTries to resume a single theme.
themes_apiRetrieves theme installer pages from the WordPress.org Themes API.
theme_update_availableCheck if there is an update for a theme available.
wp_get_theme_errorGets the error that was recorded for a paused theme.
wp_prepare_themes_for_jsPrepares themes for JavaScript.
_get_template_edit_filenameTidies a filename for url display by the theme file editor.