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convert_smilies › WordPress Function

convert_smilies ( $text )
  • (string) $text Content to convert smilies from text.
    Erforderlich: Ja
Gibt zurück:
  • (string) Converted content with text smilies replaced with images.
Definiert in:

Converts text equivalent of smilies to images.

Will only convert smilies if the option 'use_smilies' is true and the global used in the function isn't empty.


function convert_smilies( $text ) {
	global $wp_smiliessearch;

	if ( ! get_option( 'use_smilies' ) || empty( $wp_smiliessearch ) ) {
		// Return default text.
		return $text;

	// HTML loop taken from texturize function, could possible be consolidated.
	$textarr = preg_split( '/(<[^>]*>)/U', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); // Capture the tags as well as in between.

	if ( false === $textarr ) {
		// Return default text.
		return $text;

	// Loop stuff.
	$stop   = count( $textarr );
	$output = '';

	// Ignore processing of specific tags.
	$tags_to_ignore       = 'code|pre|style|script|textarea';
	$ignore_block_element = '';

	for ( $i = 0; $i < $stop; $i++ ) {
		$content = $textarr[ $i ];

		// If we're in an ignore block, wait until we find its closing tag.
		if ( '' === $ignore_block_element && preg_match( '/^<(' . $tags_to_ignore . ')[^>]*>/', $content, $matches ) ) {
			$ignore_block_element = $matches[1];

		// If it's not a tag and not in ignore block.
		if ( '' === $ignore_block_element && strlen( $content ) > 0 && '<' !== $content[0] ) {
			$content = preg_replace_callback( $wp_smiliessearch, 'translate_smiley', $content );

		// Did we exit ignore block?
		if ( '' !== $ignore_block_element && '</' . $ignore_block_element . '>' === $content ) {
			$ignore_block_element = '';

		$output .= $content;

	return $output;