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register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8.0!
Alternative: wp_register_widget_control()
Alternative: wp_register_widget_control()
register_widget_control › WordPress Function
› register_widget_control ( $name, $control_callback, $width = '', $height = '', $params )
Parameter: (5) |
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Registers widget control callback for customizing options.
Allows $name to be an array that accepts either three elements to grab the first element and the third for the name or just uses the first element of the array for the name. Passes to wp_register_widget_control() after the argument list has been compiled.Quellcode
function register_widget_control($name, $control_callback, $width = '', $height = '', ...$params) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.8.0', 'wp_register_widget_control()' ); // Compat. if ( is_array( $name ) ) { if ( count( $name ) === 3 ) { $name = sprintf( $name[0], $name[2] ); } else { $name = $name[0]; } } $id = sanitize_title( $name ); $options = array(); if ( ! empty( $width ) ) { $options['width'] = $width; } if ( ! empty( $height ) ) { $options['height'] = $height; } wp_register_widget_control( $id, $name, $control_callback, $options, ...$params ); }