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wp-includes/deprecated.php › WordPress File
› Deprecated functions from past WordPress versions. You shouldn't use these
functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be
removed in a later version.
Funktion | Kurzbeschreibung |
addslashes_strings_only | Adds slashes only if the provided value is a string. |
add_custom_background | Add callbacks for background image display. |
add_custom_image_header | Add callbacks for image header display. |
add_option_whitelist | Adds an array of options to the list of allowed options. |
attribute_escape | Escaping for HTML attributes. |
automatic_feed_links | Enable/disable automatic general feed link outputting. |
block_core_file_ensure_interactivity_dependency | Ensure that the view script has the `wp-interactivity` dependency. |
block_core_image_ensure_interactivity_dependency | Ensures that the view script has the `wp-interactivity` dependency. |
block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_colors | Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the colors which will be applied to the navigation markup in the front-end. |
block_core_query_ensure_interactivity_dependency | Ensure that the view script has the `wp-interactivity` dependency. |
clean_page_cache | Will clean the page in the cache. |
clean_pre | Accepts matches array from preg_replace_callback in wpautop() or a string. |
clean_url | Checks and cleans a URL. |
comments_popup_script | Display the JS popup script to show a comment. |
comments_rss | Return link to the post RSS feed. |
comments_rss_link | Print RSS comment feed link. |
create_user | An alias of wp_create_user(). |
current_user_can_for_blog | Returns whether the current user has the specified capability for a given site. |
debug_fclose | Close the debugging file handle. |
debug_fopen | Open the file handle for debugging. |
debug_fwrite | Write contents to the file used for debugging. |
default_topic_count_text | Old callback for tag link tooltips. |
delete_usermeta | Remove user meta data. |
dropdown_cats | Deprecated method for generating a drop-down of categories. |
force_ssl_login | Whether SSL login should be forced. |
format_to_post | Formerly used to escape strings before inserting into the DB. |
funky_javascript_callback | Callback used to change %uXXXX to &#YYY; syntax |
funky_javascript_fix | Fixes JavaScript bugs in browsers. |
gd_edit_image_support | Check if the installed version of GD supports particular image type |
get_alloptions | Retrieve all autoload options, or all options if no autoloaded ones exist. |
get_all_category_ids | Retrieves all category IDs. |
get_archives | Retrieves a list of archives. |
get_attachment_icon | Retrieve HTML content of icon attachment image element. |
get_attachment_icon_src | Retrieve icon URL and Path. |
get_attachment_innerhtml | Retrieve HTML content of image element. |
get_author_link | Returns or Prints link to the author's posts. |
get_author_name | Retrieve the specified author's preferred display name. |
get_author_rss_link | Print/Return link to author RSS feed. |
get_autotoggle | Gets the auto_toggle setting. |
get_boundary_post_rel_link | Get boundary post relational link. |
get_category_children | Retrieve category children list separated before and after the term IDs. |
get_category_rss_link | Print/Return link to category RSS2 feed. |
get_catname | Retrieve the category name by the category ID. |
get_commentdata | Retrieve an array of comment data about comment $comment_id. |
get_comments_popup_template | Retrieve path of comment popup template in current or parent template. |
get_current_theme | Retrieve current theme name. |
get_index_rel_link | Get site index relational link. |
get_link | Retrieves bookmark data based on ID. |
get_linkcatname | Gets the name of category by ID. |
get_linkobjects | Gets an array of link objects associated with category n. |
get_linkobjectsbyname | Gets an array of link objects associated with category $cat_name. |
get_linkrating | Legacy function that retrieved the value of a link's link_rating field. |
get_links | Gets the links associated with category by ID. |
get_linksbyname | Gets the links associated with category $cat_name. |
get_linksbyname_withrating | Gets the links associated with category 'cat_name' and display rating stars/chars. |
get_links_list | Output entire list of links by category. |
get_links_withrating | Gets the links associated with category n and display rating stars/chars. |
get_paged_template | Retrieve path of paged template in current or parent template. |
get_page_by_title | Retrieves a page given its title. |
get_parent_post_rel_link | Get parent post relational link. |
get_postdata | Retrieves all post data for a given post. |
get_profile | Retrieve user data based on field. |
get_settings | Get value based on option. |
get_shortcut_link | Retrieves the Press This bookmarklet link. |
get_theme | Retrieve theme data. |
get_themes | Retrieve list of themes with theme data in theme directory. |
get_theme_data | Retrieve theme data from parsed theme file. |
get_the_attachment_link | Retrieve HTML content of attachment image with link. |
get_the_author_aim | Retrieve the AIM address of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_description | Retrieve the description of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_email | Retrieve the email of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_firstname | Retrieve the first name of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_icq | Retrieve the ICQ number of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_id | Retrieve the ID of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_lastname | Retrieve the last name of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_login | Retrieve the login name of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_msn | Retrieve the MSN address of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_nickname | Retrieve the nickname of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_url | Retrieve the URL to the home page of the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_yim | Retrieve the Yahoo! IM name of the author of the current post. |
get_usermeta | Retrieve user metadata. |
get_usernumposts | Retrieves the number of posts a user has written. |
get_users_of_blog | Get users for the site. |
get_user_metavalues | Perform the query to get the $metavalues array(s) needed by _fill_user and _fill_many_users |
global_terms_enabled | Determines whether global terms are enabled. |
gzip_compression | Unused function. |
image_resize | Scale down an image to fit a particular size and save a new copy of the image. |
index_rel_link | Display relational link for the site index. |
is_blog_user | Checks if the current user belong to a given site. |
is_comments_popup | Determines whether the current URL is within the comments popup window. |
is_plugin_page | Determines whether the current admin page is generated by a plugin. |
is_taxonomy | Checks that the taxonomy name exists. |
is_term | Check if Term exists. |
js_escape | Escape single quotes, specialchar double quotes, and fix line endings. |
like_escape | Formerly used to escape strings before searching the DB. It was poorly documented and never worked as described. |
links_popup_script | Show the link to the links popup and the number of links. |
link_pages | Print list of pages based on arguments. |
list_authors | Lists authors. |
list_cats | Lists categories. |
make_url_footnote | Strip HTML and put links at the bottom of stripped content. |
next_post | Prints link to the next post. |
noindex | Displays a `noindex` meta tag if required by the blog configuration. |
parent_post_rel_link | Display relational link for parent item |
permalink_link | Print the permalink of the current post in the loop. |
permalink_single_rss | Print the permalink to the RSS feed. |
popuplinks | Adds element attributes to open links in new tabs. |
post_permalink | Retrieve permalink from post ID. |
preview_theme | Start preview theme output buffer. |
preview_theme_ob_filter | Callback function for ob_start() to capture all links in the theme. |
preview_theme_ob_filter_callback | Manipulates preview theme links in order to control and maintain location. |
previous_post | Prints a link to the previous post. |
print_embed_styles | Prints the CSS in the embed iframe header. |
print_emoji_styles | Prints the important emoji-related styles. |
register_sidebar_widget | Register widget for sidebar with backward compatibility. |
register_widget_control | Registers widget control callback for customizing options. |
remove_custom_background | Remove custom background support. |
remove_custom_image_header | Remove image header support. |
remove_option_whitelist | Removes a list of options from the allowed options list. |
rich_edit_exists | Determine if TinyMCE is available. |
sanitize_user_object | Sanitize every user field. |
start_post_rel_link | Display relational link for the first post. |
start_wp | Sets up the WordPress Loop. |
sticky_class | Display "sticky" CSS class, if a post is sticky. |
the_author_aim | Display the AIM address of the author of the current post. |
the_author_description | Display the description of the author of the current post. |
the_author_email | Display the email of the author of the current post. |
the_author_firstname | Display the first name of the author of the current post. |
the_author_icq | Display the ICQ number of the author of the current post. |
the_author_id | Display the ID of the author of the current post. |
the_author_lastname | Display the last name of the author of the current post. |
the_author_login | Display the login name of the author of the current post. |
the_author_msn | Display the MSN address of the author of the current post. |
the_author_nickname | Display the nickname of the author of the current post. |
the_author_url | Display the URL to the home page of the author of the current post. |
the_author_yim | Display the Yahoo! IM name of the author of the current post. |
the_block_template_skip_link | Prints the skip-link script & styles. |
the_category_head | Prints a category with optional text before and after. |
the_category_id | Returns or prints a category ID. |
the_content_rss | Display the post content for the feed. |
the_editor | Displays an editor: TinyMCE, HTML, or both. |
translate_with_context | Translates $text like translate(), but assumes that the text contains a context after its last vertical bar. |
unregister_sidebar_widget | Serves as an alias of wp_unregister_sidebar_widget(). |
unregister_widget_control | Alias of wp_unregister_widget_control(). |
update_category_cache | Update the categories cache. |
update_page_cache | Alias of update_post_cache(). |
update_usermeta | Update metadata of user. |
url_is_accessable_via_ssl | Determines if the URL can be accessed over SSL. |
user_can_create_draft | Whether user can create a post. |
user_can_create_post | Whether user can create a post. |
user_can_delete_post | Whether user can delete a post. |
user_can_delete_post_comments | Whether user can delete a post. |
user_can_edit_post | Whether user can edit a post. |
user_can_edit_post_comments | Whether user can delete a post. |
user_can_edit_post_date | Whether user can delete a post. |
user_can_edit_user | Can user can edit other user. |
user_can_set_post_date | Whether user can set new posts' dates. |
user_pass_ok | Check that the user login name and password is correct. |
wlwmanifest_link | Displays the link to the Windows Live Writer manifest file. |
wp_add_iframed_editor_assets_html | Inject the block editor assets that need to be loaded into the editor's iframe as an inline script. |
wp_admin_bar_dashboard_view_site_menu | Add the "Dashboard"/"Visit Site" menu. |
wp_admin_bar_header | Prints style and scripts for the admin bar. |
wp_ajax_press_this_add_category | Ajax handler for creating new category from Press This. |
wp_ajax_press_this_save_post | Ajax handler for saving a post from Press This. |
wp_blacklist_check | Does comment contain disallowed characters or words. |
wp_convert_bytes_to_hr | Converts an integer byte value to a shorthand byte value. |
wp_create_block_style_variation_instance_name | Generate block style variation instance name. |
wp_embed_handler_googlevideo | The Google Video embed handler callback. |
wp_enqueue_global_styles_custom_css | Enqueues the global styles custom css defined via theme.json. |
wp_explain_nonce | Retrieve nonce action "Are you sure" message. |
wp_get_attachment_thumb_file | Retrieves thumbnail for an attachment. |
wp_get_duotone_filter_id | Returns the prefixed id for the duotone filter for use as a CSS id. |
wp_get_duotone_filter_property | Returns the CSS filter property url to reference the rendered SVG. |
wp_get_duotone_filter_svg | Returns the duotone filter SVG string for the preset. |
wp_get_global_styles_custom_css | Gets the global styles custom CSS from theme.json. |
wp_get_global_styles_svg_filters | Returns a string containing the SVGs to be referenced as filters (duotone). |
wp_get_http | Perform a HTTP HEAD or GET request. |
wp_get_links | Gets the links associated with category. |
wp_get_linksbyname | Gets the links associated with the named category. |
wp_get_loading_attr_default | Gets the default value to use for a `loading` attribute on an element. |
wp_get_post_cats | Retrieves a list of post categories. |
wp_get_single_post | Retrieve a single post, based on post ID. |
wp_get_user_request_data | Return the user request object for the specified request ID. |
wp_global_styles_render_svg_filters | Renders the SVG filters supplied by theme.json. |
wp_htmledit_pre | Formats text for the HTML editor. |
wp_img_tag_add_decoding_attr | Adds `decoding` attribute to an `img` HTML tag. |
wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr | Adds `loading` attribute to an `img` HTML tag. |
wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks | Processes the directives on the rendered HTML of the interactive blocks. |
wp_kses_js_entities | Removes the HTML JavaScript entities found in early versions of Netscape 4. |
wp_list_cats | Lists categories. |
wp_load_image | Load an image from a string, if PHP supports it. |
wp_make_content_images_responsive | Filters 'img' elements in post content to add 'srcset' and 'sizes' attributes. |
wp_no_robots | Display a `noindex` meta tag. |
wp_queue_comments_for_comment_meta_lazyload | Queues comments for metadata lazy-loading. |
wp_register_duotone_support | Registers the style and colors block attributes for block types that support it. |
wp_render_duotone_filter_preset | Renders the duotone filter SVG and returns the CSS filter property to reference the rendered SVG. |
wp_render_duotone_support | Renders out the duotone stylesheet and SVG. |
wp_render_elements_support | Updates the block content with elements class names. |
wp_richedit_pre | Formats text for the rich text editor. |
wp_sensitive_page_meta | Display a `noindex,noarchive` meta tag and referrer `strict-origin-when-cross-origin` meta tag. |
wp_set_post_cats | Sets the categories that the post ID belongs to. |
wp_skip_border_serialization | Checks whether serialization of the current block's border properties should occur. |
wp_skip_dimensions_serialization | Checks whether serialization of the current block's dimensions properties should occur. |
wp_skip_spacing_serialization | Checks whether serialization of the current block's spacing properties should occur. |
wp_slash_strings_only | Adds slashes to only string values in an array of values. |
wp_specialchars | Legacy escaping for HTML blocks. |
wp_timezone_supported | Check for PHP timezone support |
wp_tinycolor_bound01 | Takes input from [0, n] and returns it as [0, 1]. |
wp_tinycolor_hsl_to_rgb | Converts an HSL object to an RGB object with converted and rounded values. |
wp_tinycolor_hue_to_rgb | Helper function for hsl to rgb conversion. |
wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb | Rounds and converts values of an RGB object. |
wp_tinycolor_string_to_rgb | Parses hex, hsl, and rgb CSS strings using the same regex as TinyColor v1.4.2 used in the JavaScript. Only colors output from react-color are implemented. |
wp_typography_get_css_variable_inline_style | Generates an inline style for a typography feature e.g. text decoration, text transform, and font style. |
wp_unregister_globals | Turn register globals off. |
wp_update_https_detection_errors | Runs a remote HTTPS request to detect whether HTTPS supported, and stores potential errors. |
_admin_bar_bump_cb | Prints default admin bar callback. |
_c | Retrieve translated string with vertical bar context |
_excerpt_render_inner_columns_blocks | Render inner blocks from the `core/columns` block for generating an excerpt. |
_filter_query_attachment_filenames | Filter the SQL clauses of an attachment query to include filenames. |
_get_path_to_translation | Gets the path to a translation file for loading a textdomain just in time. |
_get_path_to_translation_from_lang_dir | Gets the path to a translation file in the languages directory for the current locale. |
_get_post_ancestors | Retrieve post ancestors. |
_inject_theme_attribute_in_block_template_content | Parses wp_template content and injects the active theme's stylesheet as a theme attribute into each wp_template_part |
_nc | Legacy version of _n(), which supports contexts. |
_preview_theme_stylesheet_filter | Private function to modify the current stylesheet when previewing a theme |
_preview_theme_template_filter | Private function to modify the current template when previewing a theme |
_remove_theme_attribute_in_block_template_content | Parses a block template and removes the theme attribute from each template part. |
_resolve_home_block_template | Returns the correct template for the site's home page. |
_save_post_hook | Callback formerly fired on the save_post hook. No longer needed. |
_search_terms_tidy | Formerly used internally to tidy up the search terms. |
_sort_nav_menu_items | Sort menu items by the desired key. |
_usort_terms_by_id | Sort categories by ID. |
_usort_terms_by_name | Sort categories by name. |
_wp_multiple_block_styles | Allows multiple block styles. |
_wp_register_meta_args_whitelist | Filters out `register_meta()` args based on an allowed list. |
_wp_theme_json_webfonts_handler | Runs the theme.json webfonts handler. |
_wp_tinycolor_bound_alpha | Direct port of tinycolor's boundAlpha function to maintain consistency with how tinycolor works. |
__ngettext | Retrieve the plural or single form based on the amount. |
__ngettext_noop | Register plural strings in POT file, but don't translate them. |