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render_block_core_image › WordPress Function
› render_block_core_image ( $attributes, $content, $block )
Parameter: (3) |
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Renders the `core/image` block on the server, adding a data-id attribute to the element if core/gallery has added on pre-render.
function render_block_core_image( $attributes, $content, $block ) { if ( false === stripos( $content, '<img' ) ) { return ''; } $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $content ); if ( ! $p->next_tag( 'img' ) || null === $p->get_attribute( 'src' ) ) { return ''; } $has_id_binding = isset( $attributes['metadata']['bindings']['id'] ) && isset( $attributes['id'] ); // Ensure the `wp-image-id` classname on the image block supports block bindings. if ( $has_id_binding ) { // If there's a mismatch with the 'wp-image-' class and the actual id, the id was // probably overridden by block bindings. Update it to the correct value. // See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/62886 for why this is needed. $id = $attributes['id']; $image_classnames = $p->get_attribute( 'class' ); $class_with_binding_value = "wp-image-$id"; if ( is_string( $image_classnames ) && ! str_contains( $image_classnames, $class_with_binding_value ) ) { $image_classnames = preg_replace( '/wp-image-(\d+)/', $class_with_binding_value, $image_classnames ); $p->set_attribute( 'class', $image_classnames ); } } // For backwards compatibility, the data-id html attribute is only set for // image blocks nested in a gallery. Detect if the image is in a gallery by // checking the data-id attribute. // See the `block_core_gallery_data_id_backcompatibility` function. if ( isset( $attributes['data-id'] ) ) { // If there's a binding for the `id`, the `id` attribute is used for the // value, since `data-id` does not support block bindings. // Else the `data-id` is used for backwards compatibility, since // third parties may be filtering its value. $data_id = $has_id_binding ? $attributes['id'] : $attributes['data-id']; $p->set_attribute( 'data-id', $data_id ); } $link_destination = isset( $attributes['linkDestination'] ) ? $attributes['linkDestination'] : 'none'; $lightbox_settings = block_core_image_get_lightbox_settings( $block->parsed_block ); /* * If the lightbox is enabled and the image is not linked, adds the filter and * the JavaScript view file. */ if ( isset( $lightbox_settings ) && 'none' === $link_destination && isset( $lightbox_settings['enabled'] ) && true === $lightbox_settings['enabled'] ) { $suffix = wp_scripts_get_suffix(); if ( defined( 'IS_GUTENBERG_PLUGIN' ) && IS_GUTENBERG_PLUGIN ) { $module_url = gutenberg_url( '/build/interactivity/image.min.js' ); } wp_register_script_module( '@wordpress/block-library/image', isset( $module_url ) ? $module_url : includes_url( "blocks/image/view{$suffix}.js" ), array( '@wordpress/interactivity' ), defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) ? GUTENBERG_VERSION : get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ); wp_enqueue_script_module( '@wordpress/block-library/image' ); /* * This render needs to happen in a filter with priority 15 to ensure that * it runs after the duotone filter and that duotone styles are applied to * the image in the lightbox. Lightbox has to work with any plugins that * might use filters as well. Removing this can be considered in the future * if the way the blocks are rendered changes, or if a new kind of filter is * introduced. */ add_filter( 'render_block_core/image', 'block_core_image_render_lightbox', 15, 2 ); } else { /* * Remove the filter if previously added by other Image blocks. */ remove_filter( 'render_block_core/image', 'block_core_image_render_lightbox', 15 ); } return $p->get_updated_html(); }