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wp_print_update_row_templates › WordPress Function
› wp_print_update_row_templates ( Keine Parameter )
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Prints the JavaScript templates for update and deletion rows in list tables.
function wp_print_update_row_templates() { ?> <script id="tmpl-item-update-row" type="text/template"> <tr class="plugin-update-tr update" id="{{ data.slug }}-update" data-slug="{{ data.slug }}" <# if ( data.plugin ) { #>data-plugin="{{ data.plugin }}"<# } #>> <td colspan="{{ data.colspan }}" class="plugin-update colspanchange"> {{{ data.content }}} </td> </tr> </script> <script id="tmpl-item-deleted-row" type="text/template"> <tr class="plugin-deleted-tr inactive deleted" id="{{ data.slug }}-deleted" data-slug="{{ data.slug }}" <# if ( data.plugin ) { #>data-plugin="{{ data.plugin }}"<# } #>> <td colspan="{{ data.colspan }}" class="plugin-update colspanchange"> <# if ( data.plugin ) { #> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ _x( '%s was successfully deleted.', 'plugin' ), '<strong>{{{ data.name }}}</strong>' ); ?> <# } else { #> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: Theme name. */ _x( '%s was successfully deleted.', 'theme' ), '<strong>{{{ data.name }}}</strong>' ); ?> <# } #> </td> </tr> </script> <?php }