Eine auf WordPress spezialiserte Suchmaschine für Entwickler und Theme-Autoren
theme_action_links › WordPress Filter Hooks
› apply_filters( 'theme_action_links', array_filter( $actions )
Parameter: (3) |
Definiert in: | |
Codex: |
Filters the action links displayed for each theme in the Multisite themes list table.
The action links displayed are determined by the theme's status, and which Multisite themes list table is being displayed - the Network themes list table (themes.php), which displays all installed themes, or the Site themes list table (site-themes.php), which displays the non-network enabled themes when editing a site in the Network admin.
The default action links for the Network themes list table include 'Network Enable', 'Network Disable', and 'Delete'.
The default action links for the Site themes list table include 'Enable', and 'Disable'.
Ähnliche Funktionen: the_author_link, the_attachment_links, documentation_link, remove_action, get_the_author_link, the_attachment_link