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wp_hash_password_options › WordPress Filter Hooks
› apply_filters( 'wp_hash_password_options', array()
Parameter: (2) |
Definiert in: |
Codex: |
Filters the options passed to the password_hash() and password_needs_rehash() functions.
The default hashing algorithm is bcrypt, but this can be changed via the {@see 'wp_hash_password_algorithm'} filter. You must ensure that the options are appropriate for the algorithm in use.
Ähnliche Funktionen: wp_hash_password, wp_get_password_hint, wp_set_password, wp_dashboard_plugins, wp_check_password, wp_ajax_send_password_reset
Ähnliche Hooks: wp_hash_password_algorithm, wp_set_password, show_password_fields, lostpassword_post, wp_feed_options