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wp-includes/ms-blogs.php › WordPress File

Site/blog functions that work with the blogs table and related data.

Funktion Kurzbeschreibung
add_blog_optionAdds a new option for a given blog ID.
clean_site_details_cacheCleans the site details cache for a site.
delete_blog_optionRemoves an option by name for a given blog ID. Prevents removal of protected WordPress options.
get_blogaddress_by_idGets a full site URL, given a site ID.
get_blogaddress_by_nameGets a full site URL, given a site name.
get_blog_detailsRetrieves the details for a blog from the blogs table and blog options.
get_blog_optionRetrieves option value for a given blog id based on name of option.
get_blog_statusGets a blog details field.
get_id_from_blognameRetrieves a site's ID given its (subdomain or directory) slug.
get_last_updatedGets a list of most recently updated blogs.
is_archivedChecks if a particular blog is archived.
ms_is_switchedDetermines if switch_to_blog() is in effect.
refresh_blog_detailsClears the blog details cache.
restore_current_blogRestores the current blog, after calling switch_to_blog().
switch_to_blogSwitches the current blog.
update_archivedUpdates the 'archived' status of a particular blog.
update_blog_detailsUpdates the details for a blog and the blogs table for a given blog ID.
update_blog_optionUpdates an option for a particular blog.
update_blog_statusUpdates a blog details field.
wpmu_update_blogs_dateUpdates the last_updated field for the current site.
wp_count_sitesCounts number of sites grouped by site status.
wp_switch_roles_and_userSwitches the initialized roles and current user capabilities to another site.
_update_blog_date_on_post_deleteHandler for updating the current site's last updated date when a published post is deleted.
_update_blog_date_on_post_publishHandler for updating the site's last updated date when a post is published or an already published post is changed.
_update_posts_count_on_deleteHandler for updating the current site's posts count when a post is deleted.
_update_posts_count_on_transition_post_statusHandler for updating the current site's posts count when a post status changes.