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get_temp_dir › WordPress Function

get_temp_dir ( Keine Parameter )
Gibt zurück:
  • (string) Writable temporary directory.
Definiert in:

Determines a writable directory for temporary files.

Function's preference is the return value of sys_get_temp_dir(), followed by your PHP temporary upload directory, followed by WP_CONTENT_DIR, before finally defaulting to /tmp/ In the event that this function does not find a writable location, It may be overridden by the WP_TEMP_DIR constant in your wp-config.php file.


function get_temp_dir() {
	static $temp = '';
	if ( defined( 'WP_TEMP_DIR' ) ) {
		return trailingslashit( WP_TEMP_DIR );

	if ( $temp ) {
		return trailingslashit( $temp );

	if ( function_exists( 'sys_get_temp_dir' ) ) {
		$temp = sys_get_temp_dir();
		if ( @is_dir( $temp ) && wp_is_writable( $temp ) ) {
			return trailingslashit( $temp );

	$temp = ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' );
	if ( @is_dir( $temp ) && wp_is_writable( $temp ) ) {
		return trailingslashit( $temp );

	$temp = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/';
	if ( is_dir( $temp ) && wp_is_writable( $temp ) ) {
		return $temp;

	return '/tmp/';