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wp-admin/includes/file.php › WordPress File
› Filesystem API: Top-level functionality
Funktion | Kurzbeschreibung |
copy_dir | Copies a directory from one location to another via the WordPress Filesystem Abstraction. |
download_url | Downloads a URL to a local temporary file using the WordPress HTTP API. |
get_filesystem_method | Determines which method to use for reading, writing, modifying, or deleting files on the filesystem. |
get_file_description | Gets the description for standard WordPress theme files. |
get_home_path | Gets the absolute filesystem path to the root of the WordPress installation. |
list_files | Returns a listing of all files in the specified folder and all subdirectories up to 100 levels deep. |
move_dir | Moves a directory from one location to another. |
request_filesystem_credentials | Displays a form to the user to request for their FTP/SSH details in order to connect to the filesystem. |
unzip_file | Unzips a specified ZIP file to a location on the filesystem via the WordPress Filesystem Abstraction. |
validate_file_to_edit | Makes sure that the file that was requested to be edited is allowed to be edited. |
verify_file_md5 | Calculates and compares the MD5 of a file to its expected value. |
verify_file_signature | Verifies the contents of a file against its ED25519 signature. |
wp_edit_theme_plugin_file | Attempts to edit a file for a theme or plugin. |
wp_filesystem | Initializes and connects the WordPress Filesystem Abstraction classes. |
wp_get_plugin_file_editable_extensions | Gets the list of file extensions that are editable in plugins. |
wp_get_theme_file_editable_extensions | Gets the list of file extensions that are editable for a given theme. |
wp_handle_sideload | Wrapper for _wp_handle_upload(). |
wp_handle_upload | Wrapper for _wp_handle_upload(). |
wp_opcache_invalidate | Attempts to clear the opcode cache for an individual PHP file. |
wp_opcache_invalidate_directory | Attempts to clear the opcode cache for a directory of files. |
wp_print_file_editor_templates | Prints file editor templates (for plugins and themes). |
wp_print_request_filesystem_credentials_modal | Prints the filesystem credentials modal when needed. |
wp_tempnam | Returns a filename of a temporary unique file. |
wp_trusted_keys | Retrieves the list of signing keys trusted by WordPress. |
wp_zip_file_is_valid | Determines whether the given file is a valid ZIP file. |
_unzip_file_pclzip | Attempts to unzip an archive using the PclZip library. |
_unzip_file_ziparchive | Attempts to unzip an archive using the ZipArchive class. |
_wp_handle_upload | Handles PHP uploads in WordPress. |